
Showing posts from September, 2022

1 1 Defining Marketing Principles of Marketing

For many marketers, this method results in the placement of anadwhen certain keywords are entered. According to the Association of National Advertisers , relationship marketing refers to strategies and tactics for segmenting consumers to build loyalty. Hopefully, our definition and the four Ps help you understand marketing's purpose and how to define it. From ROI to cost per acquisition, the terminology used to describe Marketing can often be confusing, even to the smartest of people. At the end of every week, we look at the key stories, offering our view on what they mean for you and the industry. From the need to look at your brand from the customer’s perspective to a trip down memory lane with nostalgia brands, it’s been a busy week. Is any strategy or action which can help a company achieve its goals, increase its sales and profits, and/or has improved brand perception. This guide will cover everything you need to know to get familiar with digital marketing. Public Relati

Cybersecurity Homeland Security

On this episode, the first of a two-part series, we look at the overlapping risks of AML and cybersecurity. Firms should get to know their local Federal Bureau of Investigation and proactively plan for a cybersecurity attack or breach. With so much change, the information landscape around cybersecurity degree, certifications, and career options is very dynamic. That’s why we partner with writers with advanced cybersecurity knowledge and routinely interview experts in the field to keep tabs on what is happening. Check with your vendors that handle sensitive data, especially financial institutions, to see if they offer multi-factor authentication for your account. Laptops can be particularly easy targets for theft or can be lost, so lock them up when unattended. Make sure a separate user account is created for each employee and require strong passwords. Administrative privileges should only be given to trusted IT staff and key personnel. Some illustrative examples of different types